I want more than religion. I want to experience God as a living presence in my life. Going through religious ceremonies or trying to be good doesn't seem to be enough. I believe in God but have so little power. I want to witness, to heal, to serve, protect human life, promote human dignity, defend the poor, to change society ... but i can't as i am a simple, ordinary person with little spiritual vitality. I desperately want a personal experience with God. I was told that Christianity is not about knowing something about God but to know God personally. Than why am i not experiencing God as a living experience. Is it because i am forcing an experience with God and not recognizing the presence of God. Back to basics.
My Human Condition - (life seems meaningless)
Most of the time during my childhood life seemed meaningless because of our family's living condition. In the darkest hour of my misery i used to tell myself, "What is the point of living or am I already dying even in this moment ?" I tried to get close to others, but often felt cut off. After all these years i still ask myself, "How can I live a happy, productive life at peace with myself and others? "
My Human Condition - (The “Good News” sounds like bad news)
The “Good News” of our Lord Jesus Christ sounds like bad news to me.There were days when i could not understand who Jesus is because my prayers for help were not even going through the ceiling. Most of these prayers were not for myself but for friends with serious illness or who were in dire need of help because of broken relationships. Sometimes i half understand, misunderstand or refuse to understand who Jesus is. I close my eyes and ears to His call for self-denial and suffering. Most of the time i am not hearing God speaking to me because i am more pre-occupied with my own muddled thinking. The “Good News” of our Lord Jesus Christ sounds like bad news to me.
My Human Condition - (Jesus is a constant threat )
i love to control what i consider is righteous and hold onto power over what i consider is respectable. Jesus is a constant threat to my established ways. His lifestyle conflicts with my values and His word contradicts my life patterns. I hope He will go away; but when He keeps coming back, i reject, ridicule and finally crucify Him. Speaking in Tongues - Catholic Church's stand
St Paul teaches, "When i am in the presence of the community i would rather say 5 words that mean something than 10K words in a tongue" (1Corinth 14:19).
Since in practice it is difficult to distinguish between the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and the instigations of a group leader, there should never be a call encouraging praying in tongues, and speaking in tongues should not take place unless there is an interpreter.
Catholic church officials told to remove crucifixes during 2010 Christmas Celebrations
(Malaysian Insider) - KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 29 – Catholic church officials were told to remove crucifixes and to avoid hymns being sung when Prime Minister Najib Razak attended the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur’s Christmas tea party last Saturday.
The overzealous bid to protect the prime minister’s Islamic credentials was described by sources familiar with what happened as “paranoid” and done without Najib’s knowledge.
The sources also noted the actions of officials from the prime minister’s office could have jeopardized warming religious ties.
The Malaysian Insider understands that Najib’s men may have been spooked by the National Fatwa Council’s recent repeated announcements over Muslims at non-Muslim celebrations and had tripped over themselves to ensure his attendance at the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur’s Christmas Day high-tea passed without a hitch.
It was Najib’s first time attending a Christian function in his official role since taking over power in April last year.
The Malaysian Insider understands the PM had been invited to last year’s open house hosted by the Mar Thoma church in Brickfields here, but did not attend.
Najib has been instrumental in bringing the heads of different creeds to the same table earlier this year to try and peacefully resolve the long-standing interfaith disputes after a series of attacks against houses of worship nationwide.
The violence erupted following a controversial court ruling allowing Christians to also use the word “Allah” to refer to God beyond the Muslim context.
Sources disclosed that this year, the PM’s aides had issued a list of instructions to Archbishop Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam to facilitate Najib’s attendance on Christmas Day.
Among the directives given were:
. To remove any overt Christian symbol, such as crucifixes, from the party premises
. That carollers not belt out hymns
. Not to quote from Scriptures or say any Christian prayer during the visit.
Similar conditions have been laid in previous Christmas celebrations, including those graced by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong himself, said a member of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), the umbrella body representing the various denominations.
The instructions usually came from the staff without the knowledge of the dignitary, said the insider who has been on the organising committee on more than one occasion.
“Previously, the carollers even sang some Christmas hymns. The King was there. No one made a fuss. I don’t think they heard.
“I suspect the PM would not have objected either,” he had observed that a member of Najib’s office had conferred with Pakiam and made a quick circuit of the party grounds at Bukit Nanas shortly before the PM dropped in.
The Archbishop could not be reached for comment at the time of publication.
But another member of the CFM echoed the observation.
“No conditions from PM. Only from his staff. That resolved by ABP very quickly,” the source told The Malaysian Insider in a text message, calling the Archbishop by initials.
The sources noted that Najib’s aides had little to be anxious about as the party was held outdoors where several marquees had been set up, where religious paraphernalia were the least likely to be fixed.
Grace was said before Najib turned up.
There were two groups of carollers serenading the crowd – one from Africa, the other a local outfit – but the guests were too caught up in their chatter and did not appear to be paying them any attention.
“They were overly fearful but there was nothing for them to be fearful about,” a source pointed out, dismissing Najib’s aides as too “paranoid”.
High Voltage
All People are sacred, created in the image and likeness of God.
And do not lose dignity because of disability, age, poverty, race or religion.
True humility blinds one from the act of giving and is noticed by others.
Remember what our Lord told us, “Let your light shine before men, so that others may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven”.
Be watchful, for you do not know the hour when the Son of Man will return.
Although the belief statement in Romans 10:5-17 is comforting we should also reflect on the other statements in the Bible that needs to be fulfilled in order o be saved.
In Mth 16:24 our Lord said "If anyone wishes to come after me, he should deny himself, take up his cross and follow me". Taking up the cross and following Jesus commits us to the task of alleviating suffering whenever it is possible.
On judgment day our Lord will judge us not only on the wrongs that we have done but also what we have failed to do ... whether we have visited the sick, clothed the naked, fed the hungry, sheltered the homeless etc. (These are the Corporal Works of Mercy)
You will have completely found your mission on Earth the moment you say to God, like Isaiah, “Here I am, Lord".
We can decide to make a difference starting from today. We can decide to light a candle (by doing good) rather than curse the darkness (by just asking 'why there is so much of evil in the world'). Even the smallest candle helps in a world of darkness.
Lord, there is so much for me to do each day. Help me choose ‘the right thing’ more often.
Lord, deepen my faith and help me to seek your love, in good times and in bad.
Lord, stop me when I’m tempted to spread gossip or tell someone an unnecessary truth.
Social Service is giving direct aid to someone in need. It usually involves performing one or more of the corporal works of mercy. That is, giving alms to the poor, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick or imprisoned, taking care of orphans and widows, visiting the shut-ins etc. Another name for it is charity.
Humanly speaking, the desire to be loved, honored, praised, consulted, and approved is probably important to most people (barring all of you saintly ones out there). I figure mumbling the words to this beautiful prayer will at least raise my awareness that craving respect and admiration isn’t necessary for my personal identity. Rather, all gifts I possess and any good I do with those gifts is the result of being a child of God, who gave me all good things.
One of my personal weaknesses is my lack of trust in God. This plays out in the way in which I try to control situations and people out of fear. The serenity prayer reminds me what I am responsible for and what I am not.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
According to Aristotle, kindness is an emotion manifesting itself by the desire to help somebody in need, without expecting anything in return. Peter Kreeft defines kindness as “sympathy, with the desire to relieve another’s suffering.”
When we do not worship God we will look to worship anything .... power, pleasure, fame, talents, good looks, money and possessions.
Be watchful, for you do not know the hour when the Son of Man will return.
Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom to insult and denigrate someone's closely held beliefs.
Because we are the Body of Christ. We suffer together. We grieve together. We persevere together.
Although the belief statement in Romans 10:5-17 is comforting we should also reflect on the other statements in the Bible that needs to be fulfilled in order o be saved.
In Mth 16:24 our Lord said "If anyone wishes to come after me, he should deny himself, take up his cross and follow me". Taking up the cross and following Jesus commits us to the task of alleviating suffering whenever it is possible.
On judgment day our Lord will judge us not only on the wrongs that we have done but also what we have failed to do ... whether we have visited the sick, clothed the naked, fed the hungry, sheltered the homeless etc. (These are the Corporal Works of Mercy)
Through Jesus' suffering, humiliation, and death on the cross, our salvation was won.
If we work in an environment that is unfriendly or hostile than we'll be dying every minute. But since we are only passing through this life, we are required to speak for the voiceless & try to change the environment by the little gifts that we have .. Wisdom, Discernment, Knowledge, Compassion etc. Than for certain we'll not be dying everyday but will live for another day.
Jesus Last Seven expressions
1 Father forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34).
(This first saying of Jesus upon the cross was Jesus' prayer for forgiveness for those who were crucifying him: the Roman soldiers, and apparently for all others who were involved in his crucifixion)
2 Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).
(According to Luke's Gospel, Jesus was crucified between two thieves, one of whom supports Jesus' innocence and asks him to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus replies, "Truly, I say to you..." followed with the only appearance of the word "paradise" in the Gospels)
3 Woman, behold your son: behold your mother (John 19:26-27).
(Jesus saw his own mother, and the disciple standing near whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold your son". Then he said to the disciple, "Behold your mother". And from that hour, he took his mother into his family. Jesus entrusts Mary, his mother, into the care of a disciple.)
4 My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?, (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34).
(Around the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice, saying "Eli Eli lama sabachthani?" which is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?")
5 I thirst (John 19:28).
(He said, "I thirst".)
6 It is finished (John 19:30).
(Jesus said, "It is finished".)
7 Father, into your hands I commit my spirit (Luke 23:46).
(And speaking in a loud voice, Jesus said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit".)
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