Memories are made of These

Detachment of Attachments


"The first step in the spiritual life is simple: you must see your life not as your own project but as a vehicle for God's purposes. However, we are all absorbed in our own lives, forgetting that the road to God is one of self-forgetfulness. This disposition helps us to focus on Christ and his mission. But in order for us to do this we must be cleansed of all attachments and baptized in the fiery love of God". Fr. Robert Barron

my take --> ... "SPEAK LORD YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING". In order to listen to this voice of God, ... sometimes you have no choice but to give-up what is so dear to you,(FRIENDS etc.) because you are becoming an obstruction to your friends spiritual growth by the noise you are generating & preventing them from hearing the voice of God ... you just have to let-go & move on ... no matter how PAINFUL it is. When the noise-level is eliminated, My friends should be able to listen to the voice of God. This is my detachment of attachments.
