Memories are made of These

Jesus tells his disciples to ASK, SEEK & KNOCK


Jesus tells his disciples Ask and you will receive, Seek and you will find, & Knock the door will be opened. 

But we all have our disappointments. We remember those things we asked for from God but never received. We remember the things we sought and never found. We remember the extended knocking that never opened a door. Seemed like the prayers never went through the ceiling.  

Given these disappointments, how do we follow Jesus’ commands? 

First, we must continue to petition God, to communicate what it is that we want. Secondly – and this is the hard part – we must be  extremely patient in waiting for a response. 

God’s time is often not our time. Lastly, we must be open to the possibility that God knows what is best for us. We may not receive, find or have a door opened to us in the way that we expected. And yet… it may still be an answer from God.
