BLACK MARIA : Jul 9, 2011
On July 9, 2011 @11:45am - i was ARRESTED (off Petaling Street) together with Douglas Boucher (a friend & my Boss) and 26 others (including a 69 year old Member of Parliament, John Fernandez). Was taken to PULAPOL (Police Training Center in Jln. Semarak) in a jam-packed BLACK MARIA with no air-con (No. Plate: 2697). Waited inside the BLACK MARIA for about 2 hrs in the blistering sun, before being escorted for our particulars to be taken & than had to wait in the open field until 9pm when we were released (together with about 2000 others who were also arrested). All this because we were part of the 50-60,000 citizens, united in a common quest “BERSIH 2.0 – for a free and fair elections,“ which is a legitimate right of the people. We assembled peacefully despite Death Threats, Bomb Threats, Warnings on Revocation of Citizenship & Preventive detention in a country where CORRUPTION & Abuse of Power, and the flaming of racial & religious hatred by those in the corridors of power goes unabated & in a nation where Criminals, Murderers and Slanderers roam freely.
Sui Ni See, Kanakaraju Rajoo, Nasrul Hizam and 4 others like this. BERSIH 2.0 ---> Wind of Change
Bersih’s demands are - clean electoral roles , the reform of postal votes , the use of Indelible Ink , minimum 21 days for campaigning, free and fair access to the media , strengthening the enforcement of electoral rule, the eradication of Vote Buying and the rejection of "dirty politics"? IS THAT ASKING TOO MUCH?
A government must either lead, follow or get out of the way.
BERSIH is all about protecting YOU, YOUR children’s & YOUR grand-children’s future. You may not want to protest - You may not want to be seen with protesters for reasons of fear or …. However, the least you can do is to pray that no one gets hurt – This includes the protesters and the law enforcers. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED
BERSIH 2.0 is all about making the voice of the voiceless heard for free and fair elections in Malaysia. We should be ashamed to call ourselves Malaysian if we don’t stand-up for all the wrong that is going on in our country. We must speak up and exercise our rights as the citizens of Malaysia. Let us stand up and be counted.
As believers in God, we cannot confine our faith lives to inside places of worship. We are called to live our faith vibrantly and to respond to injustices that grips our society ... STAND UP AND BE COUNTED
Sui Ni See: Come on, Malaysians!
We the Malaysian people will gather peacefully & 'We Shall Overcome' Death Threats, Bomb Threats, Warning on Revocation of Citizenship, Preventive detention etc
Yes, i'll be there, to protest man's inhumanity to man
(Video:Mariah Carey - I'll Be There [Live])
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. (Martin Luther King, Jr)
Just because you do not take an interest in injustices doesn't mean injustices won't take an interest in you ... STAND UP AND BE COUNTED
The job of a citizen is to keep his mouth open. "Gunther Grass". (This is not to dump noodles & Nasi Lemak but to speak out against any injustices) .. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED
Theresa Chung dump bihun okay kah?
Augustin Laurence Hahaha hao ma
"I'll Be There" to protest man's inhumanity to man
(Video: Michael Jackson & Jackson 5 singing - I'll Be There)
Do we have a brain drain problem?
I mean whether all in the government have lost their brains.
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. (Martin Luther King, Jr)
Daylight robbers go scot free & enjoy immunity from any legal action
(S'gor exco slams 'immunity' of cheating developers)
The government is throwing everything at BERSIH 2.0, including Continental tyres & Steelcase chairs
I am signatory No. 1971 (We endorse the Bersih 2.0 Global Solidarity for Clean and Fair Elections in Malaysia Petition)
Well spoken Marina, “Let us restore our dignity, keep our elections clean”.
Are the cops gonna ban "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" on July 9, 2011?
Shuhadah Nor Y?
Augustin Laurence : Back here, corruption is the name of the game, including the election commission. So a BERSIH rally is scheduled for July 9 & the color is Yellow. But our corrupted Govt & the cops are not only banning the rally but also anything that is YELLOW. Douglas, me & others are going for the rally, so if you love uncle D, withdraw enough euro to bail him out.
Shuhadah Nor Oh... Macam tu. Haha. I am too faraway, i cant bail him out. Sorry uncle2!
In a land where CORRUPTION reigns, enjoy
ELTON JOHN's - "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" (utube)
In a land where CORRUPTION reigns, "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" takes me down memory lane when YELLOW was cool (utube)
In a land where CORRUPTION reigns, The Beatles reminds us of Yellow Submarine that BN Govt paid (RM7Billion for the Scorpene Submarines). It has gone down but doesn't come up .. so cannot audit
Theresa Chung: we all live in a yellow submarine.
Augustin Laurence: Yes, we live under pressure (in a submarine). Practically the whole nation has lost confidence in the independence, professionalism and integrity of the Attorney-General, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the judiciary and the election commission. The BN govt treats all the nation's wealth as their personal property to be used in whatever way they deem fit. These abuse and misuse of power are crimes against the nation and should be classified as treason. Corruption isn’t an economic crime. It is a sin against God and society.
Theresa Chung: Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
In a land where CORRUPTION reigns - "YELLOW" is a big deal - so enjoy Counting Crows' Big Yellow Taxi
In a land where CORRUPTION reigns: Enjoy : Coldplay - Yellow
In a land where CORRUPTION reigns, Christie's 'YELLOW River' seems timely (utube)
In a land where CORRUPTION reigns lets listen to Scorpions' Wind of Change (utube)
- Augustin Laurence
Theresa Chung FYI: Fadiah Nadwa Fikri of Lawyers for Liberty says that the police have invoked section 28A(8) - denial of access to lawyers - at Pulapol (Police Training Centre), where she says 1,000 people are being detained.
According to her, this is a violation of Article 5 of constitution.
July 9 at 5:05pm · · 1 person
Augustin Laurence Missing it as I am I'm in police lock-up in open field.. Enjoying it .. Cheers
July 9 at 5:07pm ·
Caroline Anushya Previn dont worry uncle, i bring my 3 rascals and they will set everyone free! just have to get all 3 screaming at the same time! ;) Please take care and keeping you in prayer.
July 9 at 5:41pm ·
Sharifah Shafinaz Take care Augustin...praying for your safety & also for the thousand others!!!
July 9 at 8:58pm · · 1 person
Daniel Seah Hey Augustine good job, cheers with 100+ in lock up. Out yet?
July 9 at 9:18pm · · 1 person
Achmad Dimyati Cool, young blood Tan Sri :) Hope you are always be safe.
I remember my time when I have joined big demo in Indonesia parliament building and under fired in Atmajaya university by sniper also police with tear gas and water canon.
July 9 at 10:15pm · · 1 person
Augustin Laurence Nice to know that you were also involved with the protests back in Indonesia. Thank You so much Achmad Dimyati. Hope Your family especially your cute little ones are doing very well in S.Arabia. Take care Sir
July 9 at 11:39pm ·
Augustin Laurence Thanks theresa for standing up for righteousness & the good reads whilst in the infamous PULAPOL. God Bless
July 9 at 11:42pm ·
Augustin Laurence Yes Jimmy, everything is back to normal including all by bits & bytes. Thanks & take care
Tuesday at 1:54pm ·
Jimmy Kan i rely feel ashame of myself for nt joining, i wil b by ur side for coming rally, u hv my word
Tuesday at 2:01pm ·
Augustin Laurence It's so wonderful to hear that Jimmy. Wish you all the best & may God shower His blessings on you & your family
Tuesday at 2:10pm ·
Shavie Dass We are proud of u uncle. Some of us just don't have the guts to stand up, despite being lawyers!
July 9 at 9:21pm · · 1 person
Daniel Seah Congratulations on your new certification Augustine. Welcome back to the 'outside' world. Glad you n Douglas are ok
July 9 at 9:36pm ·
Caroline Anushya Previn Praise God! Home is awaiting uncle! Im sure Goldie must be wondering where you disappeared to!
July 9 at 9:36pm · · 1 person
Augustin Laurence On behalf of Douglas & myself, wish to thank each & every one of you (Theresa Chung, Sharifah Shafinaz, Najwa Mohd, Ahmad Tarmizee Kamarul Zaman, Shavie Dass, Sui Ni See, Caroline, Azli, Joseph, Nasrul, Boon Tia, Victor Law, Parthiban, Dimyati, Zainab, Daniel, Eddie, Cheng Wei, Sam). You guys made our day. Thanks & God Bless
July 9 at 11:35pm ·
Cindy Megasari Good to know ure back safely, I was shocked to hear from Brian that u got arrested with D. God bless you..
July 10 at 2:34am ·
Augustin Laurence Thanks Cindy we are back in one piece although a lot who stood for justice were left to bleed
July 10 at 10:22pm ·
- You and 4 others like this.
Theresa Chung
3 hours ago · ·
Augustin Laurence Well spoken Theresa. What are you doing Basis ... better start doing Law. At least a beauty will be able to tell the beasts how to interpret the Law
42 minutes ago ·
Theresa Chung no la, i just can read A as A, B as B.
4 hours ago ·Augustin Laurence You are too humble lah ... for i know you also can do C as C, D as D etc- You and Ashley Wong like this.
· Cindy Megasari Good to know ure back safely, I was shocked to hear from Brian that u got arrested with D. God bless you..19 hours ago ·
Augustin Laurence Thanks Cindy we are back in one piece although a lot who stood for justice were left to bleed2 seconds ago ·
Augustin Laurence Yes Jimmy, everything is back to normal including all my bits & bytes. Thanks & take care
10 hours ago ·
Jimmy Kan i rely feel ashame of myself for nt joining, i wil b by ur side for coming rally, u hv my word
10 hours ago ·- Augustin Laurence It's so wonderful to hear that Jimmy. Wish you all the best & may God shower His blessings on you & your family10 hours ago ·