Memories are made of These

TGIF !!! ... Since the weekend is here (3 February 2012)

TGIF !! ... Since the weekend is here & most of us will be visiting our respective house of worship, let us not forget that going down on our knees or raising-up our hands or joss-sticks to the Almighty is meaningless, if we blame God when bad things happen to us but turn a BLIND-EYE & DEAF-EAR when the BAND-OF-ROBBERS in the government continue to ROB the people or INSULT a community during its New Year celebrations.

Malaysia is a great country but most of the people's spirits are broken by all those who breached the people’s trust and reneged on their oath of office in the MINISTRIES, in the POLICE, in the ARMY, in JAIS, in MAIS, in MACC, and in the JUSTICE DEPT. This Government has been dysfunctional for a long time and the people MUST wake-up as our government is one of the most corrupt, incompetent & abusive since Mahaltir took power & ruled the country with racist & religious threats whilst enriching his cronies. When a politician abuses his office and uses his power to enrich Himself, His Family & His friends, the people of God should rise-up and protest with all their might & courage as it is a requirement in all our religions. In this country the politicians have marginalized God & only use the name of God as a weapon to threaten the people so that they can continue to oppress the people & rob the nation.

The politicians have become so bold & brazen that they have ZERO respect for the traditions and culture of other races resulting in an unforgivable insult to the Chinese community during its New Year celebrations when a mad politician, Ibrahim Ali deliberately handed-out Ang Pows in WHITE ENVELOPES in a Chinese New Year function co-hosted by MCA. Other than the few regular guys who are protesting, there was hardly a whimper from the majority of Chinese in FACEBOOK or other social media. (Just check-out all your friends in FACEBOOK to see who has protested). I am SHOCKED as to what has become of this community – DO YOU NOT CARE ANYMORE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR COMMUNITY? The only time I hear your shouts is when sumptuous food is laid on your table or when you all are drowning yourselves with BEER or when visiting a foreign land and screaming at the top-of-your-voice at the beauty of the arts & architecture & its people. Are you turning a BLIND EYE & DEAF EAR to all the bad that is happening around us. (Two of my Friends in FB who are regularly exposing by linking the crimes-of-the-Govt that is unearthed are Cynthia Hor and Darren Teo ). To the rest …. ARE YOU NOT ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES FOR NOT STANDING-UP FOR YOUR COMMUNITY? Wake-up Guys … Its not late … let your voices be heard.

Have a wonderful weekend and let YOUR VOICES BE HEARD … (but not in front of a bowl of Tau-Fu-Fa or Heineken, or a plate of Char Kway Teow ).

I Dedicate Bryan Adams “Please Forgive Me“ to all that I hurt this week :