Memories are made of These

Elton John concert protests come under fire

PAS Youth is protesting the Elton John concert whilst the nation’s coffers are being plundered by the powers-that-be. When Elton performed in Singapore in the 90s, I gave up my “Country Comforts” and was a “Madman Across The Water” with my son & friends, & to-date none of us have come worse off after attending the show. The PAS youth should stop damaging the party and should extricate themselvesfrom this fanatic caveman mindset. Elton John has vigorously campaigned against the spread of AIDS during a four-decade musical career compared to the hear-not see-not attitude of the holier than thou and mentally deranged individuals in the PAS youth.
Don’t Go Breaking our Hearts! That’s the rallying cry from various organisations to the Pahang PAS Youth, whose protests against Elton John's concert...