Memories are made of These

TGIF !!! ... Since the weekend is here (2 December 2011)

TGIF !! ... Since the weekend is here & most of us will be visiting our respective house of worship, let us not forget that going down on our knees or raising-up our hands or joss-sticks to the Almighty is meaningless, if we are asleep to all the evil that is going on in our country, especially with regards to the Band Of Thieves in the government who are ransacking everything that they were entrusted with. 

None of our religion calls us to abandon the world, but the call is to help in transforming and shaping it from all acts of corruption, savagery and wickedness. We should never forget that the people are ends to be served by the institutions that make up the economy, not means to be exploited by our politicians for more narrowly defined goals. 

Remember what our Friend said, "there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known," and we are seeing God’s hand in this with the continuous revelation & exposure of ALL forms of super-corruption scandals whilst the powers-that-be are hell-bent on ‘The Abolition of Man’ ie. the abolition of the few good men & women who are revealing & protesting without fear or favor, with honesty, courage and openness, all the Corruptions, Discriminations, and Abuses of Power.

Let’s not be dumb driven cattle allowing our minds to be molded, manipulated & molested through carefully designed propaganda campaigns meant to portray the powers-that-be as the morally decent guys, and we the bad guys, while they continue the rape of the nation’s coffers. 

It’s just been announced that Malaysia's ranking on the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) has fallen for the 3rd year … now 60 from 56 in 2010 whilst the Leader of the Band of Thieves was calling-out to his political party to protect the mad-cow-diseased minister who is embroiled in an alleged scandal of RM250 million (taxpayers money used to purchase luxury condo, overseas trips, plots of land, half a million ringgit Mercedes Benz CLS 350 CGI). Through their actions & reaction it seems that our government continues to be an incubator for robbery, thefts, rapes, corruption, discrimination, violence etc. as these seems to be the only values that is continuously being blasted through the government controlled media.

We are living at a time when the leaders of our nation are NOT accepting God’s commands regarding right and wrong, but developing their own personal ethical standards based on an addiction for money and thus are on the warpath against God by their continuous deceit, theft, burglary etc.

So, DO NOT BE AFRAID but just STAY AWAKE for we do not know when the hour will come .. the hour when GE-13 will be announced when we can rid this nation of these despicable politicians.  Have a wonderful weekend whilst listening to “SACRIFICE” by Elton John, Eric Clapton and Dire Straits.


STAY AWAKE for we do not know when the hour will come … the hour when GE-13 will be announced. Be on guard as the elected & non-elected BARBARIANS of the nation are at the gates of EPF, Treasury, Bank Negara, Stock Exchange, Banks, Ministries & anywhere or wherever there is money. We must NOT be found to be asleep as we have been for the past 50 years. STAY AWAKE and BE ON ALERT as this is not the time to slumber just because the “MAD-COW-DISEASED” minister, who is alleged to have used our money for the purchase of a glorious 10 MILLION RINGGIT condo in Bangsar for her dear husband & children, is in SArabia seeking blessings.
This nation of ours is under siege by the powers-that-be through threats of violence whilst the nation’s wealth is being siphoned off into the vaults of our elected guardians who were elected in the 1st place to safeguard the wealth of this nation. WE cannot wait in the sidelines and hope things will get better. It will not & it will only get worse. All policies & changes being introduced is only for the financial benefit of the evil & wicked politicians. How we wish that the END-TIMES are here today so that ALL the evil-doers will roast in hell …. but than we cannot wish for that as our religion does not allow us to wish that the wicked be cast into everlasting fire.
DO NOT BE AFRAID but just STAY AWAKE for we do not know when the hour will come .. the hour when GE-13 will be announced when we can rid this nation of this cancerous growth. Have a wonderful holiday tomorrow whilst listening to this awesome presentation of TITANIC by Barbara Streisand.

TGIF !!! ... Since the weekend is here (25 November 2011)

TGIF !! ... Since the weekend is here & most of us will be visiting our respective house of worship, let us not forget that going down on our knees or raising-up our hands or joss-sticks to the Almighty is meaningless, when we fail to respond to those in need.
When we say “I am a Christian” or “I am a Muslim” or “I am a Hindu” or “I am a Buddhist” etc, we are actually declaring the Inner Beauty, T
ruth and the Goodness of God. However all these virtues and intrinsic qualities of God are realized or reflected through us who are the followers by how we treat our fellow human beings who are God’s creation. Thus whatever we do to the least of these “the PRISONER , the SICK, the BEDRIDDEN, the DYING, the HOMELESS, the STRANGER, the AGED, the HUNGRY, the DISABLED, the PRISONER etc “, we do it to God.
WATCH IT !!! On judgment day He will tell us “FOR I WAS HUNGRY and you gave me NOTHING to eat, I WAS THIRSTY and you gave me NOTHING to drink, I WAS A STRANGER and you DID NOT invite me in, I NEEDED CLOTHES and you DID NOT clothe me, I WAS SICK and IN PRISON and you DID NOT look after me. But we will answer, ‘…. when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you? And He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, YOU DID NOT DO FOR ME.’
As children of God we have all been tasked with these moral responsibilities through which we are measured. Thus, going to places of worship or making offerings or just praying through the Holy Books only, becomes meaningless when we fail to respond to those in need as the Measure That We Give, Is The Measure That We Will Receive.
Have a wonderful & God filled weekend as we listen to Elvis Presley singing “ In The Ghetto “
elvis in the early 70s!!!! "Avaible on Special Edition DVD by Warner Bros"