Memories are made of These


STAY AWAKE for we do not know when the hour will come … the hour when GE-13 will be announced. Be on guard as the elected & non-elected BARBARIANS of the nation are at the gates of EPF, Treasury, Bank Negara, Stock Exchange, Banks, Ministries & anywhere or wherever there is money. We must NOT be found to be asleep as we have been for the past 50 years. STAY AWAKE and BE ON ALERT as this is not the time to slumber just because the “MAD-COW-DISEASED” minister, who is alleged to have used our money for the purchase of a glorious 10 MILLION RINGGIT condo in Bangsar for her dear husband & children, is in SArabia seeking blessings.
This nation of ours is under siege by the powers-that-be through threats of violence whilst the nation’s wealth is being siphoned off into the vaults of our elected guardians who were elected in the 1st place to safeguard the wealth of this nation. WE cannot wait in the sidelines and hope things will get better. It will not & it will only get worse. All policies & changes being introduced is only for the financial benefit of the evil & wicked politicians. How we wish that the END-TIMES are here today so that ALL the evil-doers will roast in hell …. but than we cannot wish for that as our religion does not allow us to wish that the wicked be cast into everlasting fire.
DO NOT BE AFRAID but just STAY AWAKE for we do not know when the hour will come .. the hour when GE-13 will be announced when we can rid this nation of this cancerous growth. Have a wonderful holiday tomorrow whilst listening to this awesome presentation of TITANIC by Barbara Streisand.