Memories are made of These

TGIF !!! ... Since the weekend is here (20 January 2012)

TGIF !! ... Since the weekend is here & most of us will be visiting our respective house of worship, let us not forget that going down on our knees or raising-up our hands or joss-sticks to the Almighty is meaningless, if we blame God when bad things happen to us? 

God’s ways are not our ways & there are things we would have asked of God … maybe a relationship and it didn’t materialize. Perhaps that was God’s answer in not allowing the relationship to materialize as it could have shattered us beyond our imagination. Most of the time we violate what God has forbidden & abuse & overindulge in e.g. Smoking, Drinking, Sex or Relationships & suffer physically the consequences of these over-indulgences. Thus God cannot be blamed for the consequences of our actions as we have chosen to indulge in this evil although God would have warned us through our conscience … meaning, we reap what we sow & deserve all the pain & the suffering that comes with our passion for abuse.
There are many among us who were born into situations where they don’t need to sweat for their meals, for their education nor for job opportunities. This is not because of their brilliance, but because they were born into well-connected families or where their family members were in positions whereby they can influence a decision or take advantage of a situation which is beneficial for their family member at the expense of another deserving candidate. Thus the roads they traverse in their journey-of-life are always paved with gold, with golden opportunities & with beautiful Men/Women trampling over each other to get their attention etc.
But MOST of us are NOT that fortunate. But opportunities seem to come, maybe through sheer hard-work, through our own initiatives and through our friendships that we create in our journey-of-life. And most of the time we are happy with what we have achieved through these painful circumstances & for having come this far.
However, for some of us, this happiness after sometime may come to a grinding halt - thus, although we prosper & live in comfort after a painful journey through poverty, there seems to be something that is niggling or troubling us. It could be anything .. Family, Relationships, Work, Past & Present Betrayals or it could be something that we want but are unable to get. It could also be childhood memories of being cheated, betrayed or taken advantage-of because of our family background which is usually poverty. We may turn to God for help to overcome this un-happiness but even our prayers doesn’t seem to go through the roof. We become frustrated, melancholy & at times angry with ourselves … asking why this should happen to me although I have all that I want. 

Thus we start planting these tiny bombs of past betrayals etc which implodes whenever we are frustrated, melancholy or angry or maybe even explode when in the company of others, thus damaging relationships that we try to create. If it is bad memories of the past that is causing this un-happiness, we should seek God’s help to LET GO of these memories & move-on with life with what we have achieved to-date. God will not help us if we choose to linger on these past bad memories and thus we cannot blame God for bad things (un-happiness) that happens to us.
Have a wonderful weekend and wish you a Happy New Year.

Enjoy this wonderful music "Sarawak Cultural Heritage Dance - Borneo Sape"