Memories are made of These

TGIF !!! ... Since the weekend is here (30 December 2011)

TGIF !! ... Since the weekend is here & most of us will be visiting our respective house of worship, let us not forget that going down on our knees or raising-up our hands or joss-sticks to the Almighty is meaningless, if we were asleep to all the evil that was and is going on in our country, especially with regards to the Band Of Thieves in the government who were, and are, ransacking everything that they were entrusted with.
Religion can be the best thing around & Religion can be the worst thing around. Religion can be the best thing around if we use Religion to bring comfort & joy to everyone we meet especially those in pain. Religion can be the worst thing around when it is used, as we witnessed in 2011, to inflict PAIN, ANGER, VENGEANCE, ENVY, HATRED and BITTERNESS.
And in 2011 we witnessed how this nation of ours had become an unholy nation because of our corrupt leaders and 2011 was also a shameful period for our nation as the Leaders of this nation unleashed on 9th of July, chemical-laced water-cannons and baton-charging policemen on innocent citizens who marched for electoral reforms. All our efforts with BERSIH-2 were not in vain as some of the recommendations are being implemented and the candle-light vigils were a big success with the release of the EO-6.
Remember what C.S.Lewis said, “We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road." But the situation in our country is what a friend said in her blog “doing the Joget dance - one step forward, 2 steps back.”
Many of us are also stumbling blocks for the progress of our nation with our vacillations when it comes to making a stand. We would prefer to check-in at eateries & pubs for our favorite char-kwai-teow & a can of pí-jiǔ plus a bottle of wine & only protest or make a stand in the urinals.
Now we are living in the "in-between-times" i.e. in-between-the-elections when things can become worse when the powers-that-be will use everything at their disposal to remain in power. But WE HAVE A CHOICE: to have zero-tolerance for corruption & abuse of power or ultimately to implode and disintegrate emotionally and spiritually as a people and as a nation.
Have a wonderful weekend and wish you a Happy New Year.