Memories are made of These

Bersih 3.0 - A Day After

A Day After : Welcome to GANGSTERS PARADISE where the guardians of society who are supposed to protect the people have become corrupt institution disrupting all peaceful assemblies by planting "agent provocateurs". "Agent provocateur" is French and means someone who instigates or carries-out an action that makes other parties (Bersih 3.0 here) look responsible for an act that they didn't commit. It happened in Bersih-2.0 & it happened yesterday & it is not rocket science to know who planted them. DO YOU REMEMBER just before BERSIH-2 explosives were found near SOGO. DO YOU REMEMBER during HINDRAF’s protests, the police found arms catchment in Batu Caves. And yesterday do you know who rushed to cut the RAZOR WIRE guarding Dataran Merdeka & who was instigating violence all over the place in KL. There were probably hundreds of these agent provocateurs in Bersih 3.0 outfits in action yesterday & their success was fodder for those in power to condemn Bersih 3.0 as they did Bersih 2.0 & convince all those who did not participate yesterday on why the government is condemning BERSIH. We assume that all of us know about these dirty tactics of those-in-power, but having read a lot of posts, believe me ... a lot of us don’t seem to know these things.
· · · 29 April at 21:09 ·