Memories are made of These

TGIF : WE the rakyat have been abused, trampled upon and robbed of BILLIONS over the past 50 years. But since the weekend is here again, most of us will be visiting our respective house of worship, and will be going down on our knees & raising-up our hands to the Almighty whilst the Powers-That-Be continue to plunder the nation’s coffers. Let’s reflect on the quality of our generosity this week … whether we did protest when our fellow Malaysian, Ambiga was being demonized by umNO members who set up burger stalls in front of her house or when army veterans were condemning Ambiga with their backs facing her home & umNO was calling for her citizenship to be revoked. Many of us did protest at the demonization of Ambiga by the BAND OF ROBBERS or remembered her in our prayers. Many of us did.
· · · 17 May at 23:26 ·