Memories are made of These

Prof. Stephen Hawking - The Grand Design

Debate on “Larry King Live” at 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 10, 2010 - Prof. Stephen Hawking will be a guest on Larry King Live. In his controversial new book, The Grand Design, Hawking contends a new unified theory (actually, it's a collection of theories), concludes God was not necessary to create the universe .

Augustin Laurence : I caught the Stephen Hawkings CNN session. The after-life for Atheists is nothingness or so it seems. So whilst we still have the energy & still in communion with the Almighty, lets continue to pray for Stephen and Atheists that we know of.


Robert Barron comments on Stephen Hawkings ( The Grand Design)
Best known scientist in the world
Stephen Hawkings in his book alludes that The universe requires no creator. When A scientist pontificates about matters about philosophicaly or religious. There is a difference between science & philosophy. Science seeks after events  & objects & phenomenon within the observable & measurable universe. That is the proper purview of science    . Phil & Religion seeks after ultimate & final causes. That’s why scientist say a lot of silly things when they talk about PH & REl like SH in his book “ Because of the loss of gravity the universe can & will create itself for  nothing  … Hawkins,is it gravity or nothing. When SH say that the  universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing it   Sounds ludicrous when you look at the universe ..with all the stunning mathematical complexities and to say simply that all that came from nothing sounds or strikes me as  ludicrous . From nothing comes nothing.  If you ask an atheist where did the universe came from they will say it just happened something or the whole of Universe came from nothing.  SH makes an incoherent statement saying gravity is the ultimate cause of the universe. Some force within nature is identified as the ultimate cause of all things of the being of the earth. Philosophers were Trying to find the building block of reality .. there is earth there is fire there is water, prime matter.  Why is there something rather that nothing  …
What explains the contingency of the world. You and I are contingent we have parents we eat & drink. Catholic philosophy identifies as God as the non-contingent. Gods very nature is to be.
Line in Hawkins book … The scientific framework  leaves no room for deity ( He meant  that science proves that there is no God). It is quite right to say that within that framework science is not going to find God because God is not a  being , god is not a force within the observable measurable universe.  The scientific framework means the world we can measure that we can observe. The reduction of knowledge to scientific knowledge. Stephen Hawkins has succumbed to this problem.